
Do I need another project?

     Oh, never mind. That's really a rhetorical question. Of course I don't need another project. Need has never had anything to do with it, according to conventional needleworker's wisdom. So to celebrate that, I'm getting ready to embark on not one but two new projects. But before I go into that, let me show you my progress on a workshop piece that's, oh, more than a year old.

     Isn't she pretty? That would be Flyways, by Michael Boren. I really don't remember when I started this through the Shenandoah Valley Chapter of ANG, maybe sometime in April or May of last year. I'm on the last part, the border. Once I finish the double-fan stitch all the way around, there's another stitch that gets put in each of the diamond shapes thus created. Then it's finished! I'm determined to get this done within the next couple of weeks. It's what I'm taking to my stitching groups, nothing else.

     Now for the new projects. First is a piece that we're going to do during several meetings over the next year in the Potomac Chapter of ANG, Stained Glass Windows, by Laura J. Perin.

     I have to admit, other than my half-completed Summer Kimono (a class I offered in my B&M store and my second attempt at charted needlepoint, the first being Lois by Something Different), I've never actually stitched one of Laura's designs. At least I can't recall one. So this will be interesting, as I'm co-leading the group on this one. Hahahaha. How hard can it be, right?

     Never content to use the designer's colors unless they hit me just right, I've created my own colorway for this, based on Appalachia Watercolours. I'm loving the bright green. I just hope it doesn't overpower the rest of the colors. I'll be starting this sometime in the next month or so, to be ready for the August meeting.

     The second piece is a cyberclass with Michael Boren and Carole Lake of StitchPlay Designs, offered through Shining Needle Society: Stella Polaris. Even though they have offered 10 colorways, I still felt compelled to make up my own.

     Obviously, I'm conflicted about one color. It's the accent color. It should be either a different shade of one of the two main colors, purple or orange in my case, or an accent. I decided to go with an accent and loved the pink. But I had to go and share my colors at the ANG meeting last week, and that's where the problem began. Green or teal were urged. So back I trooped to Needlewoman East the next day to see if there was a teal in Elegance. Hah! Of course there was. And it looks nice too. I just can't decide. I may wait until it gets used in the piece and decide then. What do you think?

     So that's what I'm adding to my long list of WIPs. Stained Glass Windows borders on BAP-ness but isn't quite there. Stella Polaris seems manageable. Hahahahaha. Famous last words.



Blog Hop: Stitching Goals

Stitching the Night Away Stitching Bloggers Blog Hop

Do you set stitching goals for yourself and how do you plan them out? (Weekly, monthly, annually?) What are your current stitching goals (if you don’t mind sharing)? In addition to setting goals for yourself, do you have a special reward that you reserve for when you reach a stitching goal?
No, I don't set stitching goals. I've found that over the past few years, I only end up frustrated because life intervenes and prevents me from achieving them. That doesn't stop me from stitching; it just makes it a more relaxing, soothing experience, since I'm not making any demands on myself other than to work toward completing whatever project I'm working on. And I do have projects. Let's see if I can recall them all. (Note: I think all of these pictures have appeared already in this blog; in other words, these are not progress pictures.)

Stars for a New Millennium, by Tony Minieri, now more than two years in the stitching and not even halfway finished. Perhaps I'll put this back into a weekly rotation again. Maybe try to work on this on Mondays. But it's not a goal!

Tessellations Again, by Orna Willis, maybe only a little more than a year in the stitching and maybe a third finished. I love the colors. If I just stuck with it, I might get it finished in a few weeks. I could try to stitch it at my Tuesday stitching group till I finish.

Prelude to Peace, by Jim Wurth, barely begun. And I had great plans to blog my progress on this. We all know how well that went. (See what goals can do to me!) I don't know when I'll ever get back to this one. Is it perhaps to become a UFO? Maybe.

Flyways, by Michael Boren, nearly finished! Now this one, I know I can finish in a couple or three sessions by just applying myself. It's a good candidate for my Thursday stitching group.

From Molehill to Mountain, by Pamela Gardner. Struggling along on this, which was supposed to have been completed in time to show at ANG Seminar in Philadelphia with the rest of my ANG chapter. Ha! I think this was an ambitious goal for almost everyone involved, though there's at least one person who may actually achieve it. There are people who started the Scarlet Thread cyberclass in February who are farther along than I am, and I've been working on it for about a year (or more). Gah!

Leaf Collage, by Terry Dryden. I love this project! What a great class! I'm stalled, owing to having to rip out a portion of my last effort and not really up to it at this time. It's not a lot; it's just the frustration of stitching, then ripping, then restitching, then repeating the sequence on the next section I work on. If only I could count!

iPhone Case. I got this to preview before Scarlet Thread purchased a bunch. I don't even own an iPhone. Hahahahaha. Not liking any of the designs provided in the kit, I made up my own, which I like. But again. If only I could count. I'm maybe halfway done with this and not sure I'll finish it. Is that sad or what? Again, it's the cycle of stitching, ripping, restitching; repeat.

Perhaps my real problem is that I'm in a stitching funk right now. Too many mistakes are making it more of a chore than a pleasure. I think I've been too stressed out by a lot of things, which is reflected in my stitching.

When I finish one of these, especially the very large ones, I'll reward myself with a glass of champagne. I'll deserve it. It could happen. I mean, how hard could it be?


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