
And so it begins

      Yesterday, I announced the final sale at Scarlet Thread. So begins the end of a brief chapter of my life. It's been a wonderful ride. I've met some of the nicest people I'll ever know, and I hope to continue to see them. Endings are never easy, and this is a particularly difficult one. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I close and lock the door for the last time at the end of June. I've got a couple of months to figure that out.
    I mean, how hard can it be to reinvent myself once again?


  1. I vote for keeping this blog going...?

  2. Oh, I intend to. I may have to modify the subtitle a bit, but I'm in this for the long haul. Now if only I had a little more time so I could write something.

  3. morph into an online shop
